Daylong Earth Treasure Vase Pilgrimage

Bringing Healing, Protection & Renewal to New York City

Saturday September 21st 9:00 am - 5:00 pm (with an extended break for lunch)

About the Pilgrimage:

Thirty years ago, Cynthia Jurs, met a 106-year-old Buddhist Lama living in a remote cave in Nepal. Her question to him was, “What can we do to bring healing and protection to the Earth?” In answer to this question, she was given a practice of filling, sealing and burying Earth Treasure Vases around the world in places of need, bringing this ancient practice alive for these times.

Since then, first Cynthia, and now many others who have also become stewards of the Earth Treasure Vases, have traveled the world to make relations with elders and activists and invite the prayers and offerings of thousands of people in diverse cultures, communities and ecosystems around the whole Earth. Holding the little clay pots to their hearts and passing them warm hand to warm hand in ceremonial circles around the world has catalyzed each of us to engage with our most heartfelt concerns for the Earth. From Africa, Australia, Asia and the Americas, we all want to ensure the health and longevity of this beautiful blue-green planet we call home.

Now, New York is one the “nodes” on the “global healing mandala” that has been created over the last 30 years. Just after 9/11 happened, an Earth Treasure Vase (ETV) was brought to the World Trade Center, lived at the Village Zendo where it received many prayers and offerings, and was later planted in Inwood Park. In honor of this Earth Treasure Vase that was offered to New York after 9/11, we will make a pilgrimage to the World Trade Center. We will practice walking meditation and sit in a circle of remembrance to share our reflections and cultivate our intentions for awakening and service.

After lunch, we will convene at Inwood Park where the Earth Treasure Vase is buried deep in the soil above Manhattan. Moving together as one in a silent walking meditation to the burial location we will share the Earth Treasure Vase guided meditation. There will then be time for individual wandering, finding our spot, connecting with the Earth, journaling. Reconvening, we’ll craft a ceremony dedicated to the healing, protection, restoration and celebration of our world. We will bless and activate this holy vessel and its “node” on the mandala and open the circle for prayers and reflections, ending with an invitation to witness our shared intentions as sacred activists in relationship to Gaia.

Cynthia and Rick are excited to collaborate with the young sangha in the Dharma Gates community and the Village Zendo to share this precious time together. Our hope is that more young folks get to know this practice and the pathways it offers to engage meaningfully with the many challenges we are all facing. Whether it be the complexity of the climate crisis, the social crisis, the ongoing global violence, conflicts and inequality—to name a few—along with the everyday challenges of our personal lives. We hope to invite both deep listening and heartfelt dialogue, sharing our concerns for the world woven in with the many stories of transformation Cynthia holds from having travelled to so many countries and communities with the offering for healing and protection in the form of Earth Treasure Vases (holy vessels made of clay and potent medicines, filled with prayers and symbolic offerings).


Saturday Morning: Meet at Village Zendo at 9:00 am and then we will all walk to the World Trade Center together.

Village Zendo Address: 260 West Broadway, New York, NY 10013, Entrance located on St. John’s Lane

Saturday Afternoon: we will meet at Inwood Park at 3pm for further reflection and ceremony.

Friday evening there will be an: Introduction to the Practice of the Earth Treasure Vases: A Dharma Path of Sacred Activism. The Friday session can serve as an introduction for the day-long Earth Treasure Vase pilgrimage being offered on Saturday. Come join us for one or both days, as you can!

Both events are being offered freely.

Your gift of Dana in exchange will be greatly appreciated.

Cynthia Jurs

Cynthia Jurs became a dharma teacher (Dharmacharya) in the Order of Interbeing of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh in 1994 and in 2018, was made an honorary lama in the Vajrayana tradition of Tibetan Buddhism in recognition of her dedication in carrying out the Earth Treasure Vase practice. Inspired by thirty years of pilgrimage into diverse communities and ecosystems, today Cynthia is forging a new path of dharma in service to Gaia—a path deeply rooted in the feminine, honoring indigenous cultures, and devoted to collective awakening. Cynthia leads meditations, retreats, courses, and pilgrimages to support the emergence of a global community of engaged and embodied sacred activists. To connect with Cynthia, watch the video and slide show and learn more about her new book, Summoned by the Earth: Becoming a Holy Vessel for Healing Our World go to: and

Rick Jansen

Rick Jansen’s  spiritual path started in 2013 trekking in Nepal where he met Tibetan Buddhism and his first spiritual teacher, Lama Thubten Zopa Rinpoche. Today Rick practices mainly within the Plum Village tradition of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. As a member of the core team at the hub of the Gaia Mandala Global Healing Community, Rick co-facilitates monthly practice and support groups and assists with retreats and pilgrimages. Rick also works as a nature and soul-oriented Purpose Guide™ and as a mentor with Purpose Guides Institute. Born in the Netherlands, Rick currently lives within walking distance to Plum Village in the South of France where he spends time with his hands in the dirt on the Happy Farm, a project of organic regenerative agriculture in mindfulness. He enjoys breathing in sitting meditation and taking his slow steps on the walking meditation paths with the Plum Village community. In his free-time Rick loves to hike, cook, write, dance and create or visit theatre. For more go to: