About the Event:
This event is intended for people under the age of 34 and will take place via Zoom. All times in EST.
Join us for a conversation with Charles Eisenstein. Charles has become a provocative voice in the environmental movement for sharing new ways to conceive of the ecological crisis, economics, and the underlying causes of social dysfunction. Participants will be invited to bring to the discussion one question that is deeply alive for them - that cuts to the heart of their concern for the world. Based on these questions, Charles will facilitate discussion, Q&A, and guided practice intended to help participants become more clear about how they might align themselves in the face of an uncertain future.
About Charles:
Charles Eisenstein is best known as the author of The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible, Sacred Economics, and Climate: A New Story. As a result of his commentaries on the ecological crisis, he’s been invited to speak across the world - on Oprah, Tedx, Under the Skin with Russell Brand, at Science and Nonduality, and many, many more. To get a deeper sense of what Charles is about, I encourage you to check out his website and read one of his essays. All of his books and writing are available on a donation-basis online.