Wonder into Wonder: An Art Practice Retreat
With Jody Hojin Kimmel, Sensei
At the Zen Center Of New York City - Fire Lotus Temple
February 8th, 2025
“With thoughts clear, sitting silently, wander into the center of the circle of wonder. This is how you must penetrate and study.”
—Cultivating the Empty Field, Master Hongxhi
This Retreat is run on a dana basis (donation)
About the Retreat
Perhaps the greatest wonder of all is that we have the ability to wonder, to reflect. We have this capacity as a natural by-product of being alive which is simply amazing. How then do we nurture doubt and inquiry in our favor? The whole of the Dharma is about exploring the nature of mind, and cultivating a mind of wonder and seeing what obstructs this openness.
To say “I wonder” can mean many things. We call something “a wonder” when it is an astonishing thing or accomplishment, a miraculous event like the birth of a baby, or when we are uncertain and having doubts. It’s also “the emotion excited by the perception of something novel, unexpected, or inexplicable, sometimes mingled with perplexity or bewildered curiosity.
“Wonder” is the state of mind in which emotions can be held. When we observe something wonder-full and marvelous, we are filled and infused with awe. How can this state of mind help us navigate our everyday lives in the face of impermanence? Can this state of mind allow us to see the nature of appearances in our life? How might awe be a saving grace?
Supported by zazen we will work with traditional and experimental processes through drawing, movements of our body, words, splashes of color, and raw pigments tenderly culled from the earth. By disappearing into a state of wonder we can explore the ten thousand things directly experiencing how wonder is verified and fulfilled and keeps things alive
Master Hongzhi teachers “Emptying [one’s sense of] self-existence is wondrous. . . . Leaving discriminating conditioning, enter clean clear wisdom and romp and play in samadhi.” All are welcome come and throw ourselves open.
About the Teacher
Jody Hojin Kimmel, Sensei
Jody Hojin Kimmel, Sensei received the priestly transmission (the transmission of the Precepts) from Daido Roshi, who began the process in 2009, and from Shugen Roshi, who completed the transmission in 2012. In 2017, she received full dharma transmission from Shugen Roshi. She serves as the Training Director for the Mountains and Rivers Order and is Abbot of the Zen Center of NYC-Fire Lotus Temple. Hojin Sensei began her artistic career early and has taught drawing, ceramics, and painting, opening people up to the wonders and mysteries of the creative process and continues to offer Art Practices as part of her teaching. She has been in full-time residential training at the Monastery since 1990 and now shares her time at the Brooklyn temple.
More Information and Logistics
Friday, February 7th (optional):
Everyone attending is warmly invited to join Fire Lotus Temple for Evening Zazen from 6:30pm - 8:00pm. (be seated in the zendo no later than 6:25pm) If this is your first time attending Fire Lotus Temple, or Zen Mountain Monastery, we strongly encourage you to come Friday evening, where you will receive beginning instruction. This is encouraged but not required to attend the Saturday art practice retreat.
6:30 – 7:05 pm — Evening Zazen. Please be seated in the zendo no later than 6:25.
7:05 – 7:15 — Kinhin – Walking Meditation
7:15 – 8:00 — Zazen & Four Vows
Saturday, February 8th:
9:00 am doors open to Fire Lotus Temple. You are welcome to come early and sit in the zendo before we begin the Art Practice Retreat
10:00 am - 4:00 pm Art Practice Retreat
Lunch will be served at Fire Lotus Temple around noon.
Sunday, February 9th (optional):
Everyone attending is warmly invited to join Fire Lotus Temple for Sunday Service. This is encouraged but not required to attend the Saturday art practice retreat.
8:30am - 9:15am: Caretaking (Come help take care of the Temple) optional
9:30am – 12:30pm: Liturgy, Beginning Instruction, Zazen, and Sunday Talk
Please arrive at least 15 minutes early if this is your first visit. The suggested donation for Sunday Service is $5. Plan on participating in the full Sunday morning program. Please join us for refreshments after the program.
No. All experience levels are welcome, including beginners.
Nope. You do not have to be Buddhist to participate in this retreat. Hojin Sensei's teachings are deeply rooted in the classical Zen Buddhist tradition and include beliefs that may be challenging for some. The invitation is to encounter the teachings, to build confidence in the teachings as we verify in our experience, and to maintain a healthy, open, discerning, and inquisitive mind towards what cannot verify in our own experience.
The retreat is run on a donation basis in the spirit of dana. There is no required attendance fee.
We ask you to donate the amount that feels appropriate and generous for you, given your situation and desire for Dharma Gates to continue to exist in the future.
The food served at the retreat will be vegan. If you have specific allergies or requests, please let us know. We do are best to able to accommodate all dietary requests.
Dharma Gates wholeheartedly welcomes people of all cultural, ethnic and racial backgrounds, sexual orientations, and gender identities. There will be gender neutral bathrooms available and we may be able to provide single rooms if that would make you more comfortable. Our aim is to make retreat practice accessible to all young people—if there’s something we can to do help you feel comfortable to attending, please do not hesitate to reach out to us (team@dharma-gates.org.)
This retreat will be at the Fire Lotus Temple in Brooklyn NY. The address is 500 State St, Brooklyn, NY 11217.